Guestbook for
Comments:<a href="">healthy man</a>
June 24, 2022 23:02:36 (GMT Time)

Comments:asdfgf [url=]ipage[/url] lkjhj <a href="">ipage</a> jos oiupy
January 20, 2012 06:39:26 (GMT Time)

Name:RAM Spotter
Comments:Spotted your RAM, 14 to 19 Nov, 2004. Looks in good nik, wanna sell it? Love, RS
November 20, 2004 21:10:11 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hey forgot about me!!! I have been sitting idle in this car park at the Maple Flag Inn. You had your way with me and then you abandon me...someone please take me away from all of this!
August 19, 2004 21:00:11 (GMT Time)

Name:One of the "Originals"
Comments:Im appaled to see the RAM might have bought the farm in some tow truck yard. I hope this is not the case. Was hoping to see the mighty RAM at Flag in May. As for seeing some of the women, well, hope they have improved since the last extended visit.
December 15, 2003 18:38:21 (GMT Time)

Name:your freindly neibourhood tow truck driver
Comments:just a reminder that your ram has been spotted in my yard and u have about 15 days to claim the van or it goes to abandoned vehicles to be crushed boo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 23, 2003 01:32:55 (GMT Time)

Name:Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spiderman
Comments:Just a note for your information...The Ram's most recent sighting has occurred at "Straight Line Towing". A reputable business located within the Sunny Climes of Cold Lake South. Should anyone be willing to claim ownership they should attend there, and with proper proof of Insurance and Ownership, they too can place their name in the Hallowed Halls of Ramdom.
August 21, 2003 14:52:23 (GMT Time)

Comments: Hey Can I Get Some KOK HERE?
June 18, 2003 04:00:49 (GMT Time)

Comments:Is m2m ramming in the ram allowed?
June 9, 2003 01:00:40 (GMT Time)

Comments:What a surprise. Simmo's first comments in ages and all he talks about is flying the Harrier. Still eating all the pies?!
October 17, 2002 19:16:23 (GMT Time)

Comments:It's alright to be a bit shellist every now and again, isn't it boys???
August 20, 2002 03:05:14 (GMT Time)

Comments:Oh yeah's all about British lads. You can tongue me anyway you want ...because me and the Queen drink G&T's every night. It's all good...see you at the pub! Cheers!
August 10, 2002 03:26:55 (GMT Time)

Name:jungle drums
Comments:Elton, who the devil are you? The wagon is now owned by an even more fantastic four. Are you female? Do you like English chaps?
August 7, 2002 19:31:54 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hey lads, it has been awhile. Seen the Ram about and wondered what was new with you? I should drop by the pub to see and hear the latest tribute to the Fab Four!
July 17, 2002 00:44:40 (GMT Time)

Comments:Simmo , 12 grand. No more . Can`t go any lower than that . . . . .; )
July 11, 2002 12:54:24 (GMT Time)

Name:The Beast of Cold Lake
Comments:I am not a myth! I live in the woods.
July 1, 2002 19:25:20 (GMT Time)

Comments:That was number 2 I hear!
June 28, 2002 15:45:22 (GMT Time)

Comments:Rumours filter back to blighty that gromit has lost his 24year cravat!!! Surely not!! Fuck me readers, I hear she made whales look slim and attractive!
June 20, 2002 19:46:46 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hoi!!!!!! Im the real UFO, you cant just steal my name you charlatan! McLean already has me in his clutches! I will be in KAOS this weekend Matt!
June 14, 2002 12:30:51 (GMT Time)

Name:The Ugly Fend Off
Comments:Is it true that Rory is a gaylord?
June 12, 2002 20:01:04 (GMT Time)

Comments:I've just notice that the time and date information below each entry says "GMT Time" Bzzzzzzz: tautology.
May 26, 2002 23:54:40 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hiya Fellas Hows the Cold Lake place? Still on leave, pickling myself. Im working on my tolerance level for booze quite alot. Simmo-nice one mate! Fancy York in a couple of weeks with lingy,si etc? Have u boys out west finished yet? Drop some goss on the mighty Ramcam! Ciao, Spoory
April 24, 2002 22:33:14 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hello chaps, just a quick hello from good old England. Had my second Harrier trip today, which was awesome! It's a crazy aeroplane!! Hope the cse is going well. Give me a shout with the latest banter. Cheers.
April 22, 2002 14:48:28 (GMT Time)

Comments:Oh Simmo, We'll make that a coke and a slice of pizza...
April 11, 2002 20:41:22 (GMT Time)

Name:The Beermonkey
Comments:Hello to all who read these hallowed pages. Just to say goodbye to the mighty Ram and chilly pond. Off to (slightly) warmer climes-will see you all very soon, the first coke is on me!
April 11, 2002 20:39:37 (GMT Time)

Comments:Watcha. How are all the brits getting on in canada? Hope the weather is better than it was in feb...but it doesn't sound like it! What is the latest news from that lovely place we know and love called Cold Lake? Drop me a line, Simmo
April 9, 2002 19:21:31 (GMT Time)

Comments:Very sad about the Queen Mother. She exemplified grace, dignity, strength, and courage. She single-handedly salvaged what little dignity remained in the Royal family after the scandals of the 80's & 90's. I'll be raising a big G&T to her!
April 2, 2002 15:30:14 (GMT Time)

Name:The Metman
Comments:Fuck me. Sorry lads, got the forecast wrong again. I meant to say low cloud and shite viz all day today. Never mind, when the lake freezes over...oh no, wait a minute...
March 27, 2002 15:50:39 (GMT Time)

Name:Wee man
Comments:Another lovely day! Now where is that deck chair, I mean hat and scarf. 12 days and counting
March 25, 2002 21:19:06 (GMT Time)

Name:The Metman
Comments:Hope you guys have been enjoying our unseasonably good and mild weather recently. This caps off an "exceptionally mild winter". 12000ft base and 24km viz today....oh hang on, I can't even see the tower from the crewroom. Ram it. (Cse 7 still here)
March 25, 2002 15:40:02 (GMT Time)

Comments:Anyone want to buy any meats? I have a large selection - red meat, white meat, bird, rodent. Various qualities and quantities. Maybe I can supply the Cse 7 grad on April 5th. (Flights back on Sun 7th)
March 19, 2002 17:43:11 (GMT Time)

Name:Wee man
Comments:Thanks for thinking of us Burton. New date of 6thish April for us now. Hope you have your Elgin party shoes warmed up coz u will need them in the Granite city. Nice to see its blowing a blizzard again outside. Sitaution normal. Happy to know u cant see the tower from the crewroom. Escape tunnel is making good progress though!
March 18, 2002 23:18:05 (GMT Time)

Name:to streak
Comments:don't you mean SG and ME will be pitching up on monday?! Unlucky smuts and wee man
March 15, 2002 17:25:14 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Ahaaaa!!!! How's it hanging cumshots?!?!? Just thought I'd pop that one in for George!!! GR4 rocks. TFing tomorrow - went solo today with my stude Nav - jesus, talk about Rosy O'Grady's Flying Circus!!!! Good fun though lads - there's light at the end. Smuts, drop me a line!!!! SG and TE turn up here on monday!!!!!
March 14, 2002 20:47:42 (GMT Time)

Comments:Sorry to hear about the slippage boys, but the single seat slots have too so maybe there's a positive side. Then again I'm here...
March 14, 2002 09:37:45 (GMT Time)

Comments:And you thought Whitworth and Simmos course was fucked around! I offer course 007!
March 12, 2002 22:17:55 (GMT Time)

Comments:Grad slipped to 7th April. When can I be released from this God forsaken country?!
March 12, 2002 22:01:08 (GMT Time)

Comments:Glad to see the brilliant Ram is still going! How you boys getting on? Any rumours for the next role disposal? Keep me posted : See ya.
March 10, 2002 19:22:49 (GMT Time)

Name:Random Brit
Comments:Dodser - Good use of the dictionary and thesaurus. Its not impressing anyone though. Most of us could do the same if we could be arsed. Go and bore someone down the library mate.
March 7, 2002 23:47:21 (GMT Time)

Comments:Abhorable. Meaning to loathe. Abhorred, abhorring, abhors, abhorable. Terrible language being utilized, displaying an extremely limited vocabulary. I am a person who thinks our limited time on earth should be spent in the pursuit of all that is good, namely women and drink!
March 7, 2002 16:02:51 (GMT Time)

Name:Dr Dre
Comments:CLMB, We just wanna Fuck Bad Bitches...
March 6, 2002 23:30:51 (GMT Time)

Comments:What is abhorable?? Do you mean abhorrent or horrible?
March 6, 2002 17:49:50 (GMT Time)

Name:Random Brit
Comments:George - The RAM is now at Moose Jaw so the cold lake women can ram it! Anyway, who the hell are you?!
March 6, 2002 17:35:06 (GMT Time)

Comments:The language being used on this guestbook is abhorable. Be nice to each other. We are all human beings and have to make our way in this world. Now everyone, let's have a group hug with those beautiful women from Cold Lake!
March 5, 2002 16:09:07 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Tarts
Comments:Better than looking like the Battersbys on Corrie!
March 4, 2002 21:54:27 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Now then fuckpigs, there's no need to keep flashing up!!! Yeah, the women there might stink of ginger piss, but at least they look semi-human!!! We're forced to socialise with "Ladies" that look like the Dingle family off Emmerdale! Hmm, sniff, takes me back!!! Food alright lads, mail getting through???
March 2, 2002 22:55:48 (GMT Time)

Name:Brit Legend
Comments:If that's your attitude then FUCK OFF. You're all mingers anyway.
March 1, 2002 21:00:36 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake "Tarts"
Comments:Many tales are circulating about you little limeys and your less than stellar performance pleasing women. My theory is men of inadequate stature are generally inadequate in other physical traits. Little boys have to fly the big airplanes to make them feel like men.
March 1, 2002 01:49:16 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake "Tarts"
March 1, 2002 01:42:14 (GMT Time)

Name:Palm and Five fingers
Comments:Even I've seen less action than some of that lot anyway...
March 1, 2002 00:01:37 (GMT Time)

Name:Pathetic Pissed Up Pilot
Comments:You dissapointed that even when we are pissed we wont touch you girls!! Palm and her five sisters are a better bet!
Febuary 28, 2002 16:24:38 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake "Tarts"
Comments:Bird's in Blighty my arse. There is nothing more pathetic than a pissed up pilot with his pecker in palm at Moon's on a Friday night. Not thinking about the gals back home then are ya mate?
Febuary 28, 2002 02:21:56 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle Combined Hate Club
Comments:We hate you Malcolm! Hope you have fun in Britland where you can expect much of the same and better! humour! LOSER - Alberta is better with you gone.
Febuary 27, 2002 20:39:59 (GMT Time)

Comments:Easle, how are you spelling arseholes? With two os, ls, or es? See you're still a twat.
Febuary 27, 2002 20:36:43 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:You sold the RAM? Poor unsuspecting ar**h***es. I have sinced moved from Alberta and will be in the British Isles on business. The people here seem more friendlier than the website authors.
Febuary 27, 2002 14:45:38 (GMT Time)

Comments:Long Live the RAM!!! and blonde British cuties!
Febuary 26, 2002 16:31:36 (GMT Time)

Name:Ex - Ram Operator
Comments:IMPORTANT! The Ram has changed hands! It temporarily lives at Moose Jaw but will be returning to Cold Lake in April.
Febuary 26, 2002 15:54:59 (GMT Time)

Name:Just an Observer
Comments:CL Tarts - yes, brains and beauty exist but only in the superior quality of bird that you get in Blighty.
Febuary 26, 2002 15:53:48 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake "Tarts"
Comments:It wasn't our choosing, but that of the Scot, hence the quotation punctuation. With absolute certainty, there is no lack of anything with is all good!
Febuary 26, 2002 07:01:09 (GMT Time)

Comments:Cold Lake tarts - the name suggests a lack of self esteem dont you think!?
Febuary 25, 2002 23:37:09 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake "Tarts"?
Comments:How would we know about boring as hell mid-morning tele in the UK? Our knowledge is limitless and staggering. Looks can be deceiving....there is such a thing as brains and beauty!
Febuary 25, 2002 23:30:54 (GMT Time)

Name:A Scot
Comments:How would the Cold Lake tarts know about Richard and Judy? They are all fakes, I have no doubt - except for the angey gwa
Febuary 20, 2002 22:38:47 (GMT Time)

Comments:Girls, girls, girls - calm down. Theres plenty of Duncan to go round all of you!!!
Febuary 20, 2002 16:20:25 (GMT Time)

Name:The Real Thing
Comments:Your pathetic attempt to immitate us is almost flattering, but it is in will never achieve our greatness. As for the british women with their diabolical dentistry, egg and chip asses, sitting in front of the tele watching Richard and Judy while having a cuppa...knock yourselves out!
Febuary 19, 2002 23:24:28 (GMT Time)

Comments:Would the fake slapper bitches pretending to be us F@*k off! Boys, let's have a laugh before you go home. We'd like to give the short Scottish one another chance for a three-some as well.....
Febuary 19, 2002 21:45:40 (GMT Time)

Comments:The only Brit we saw in Moons on Friday was the cute one with blonde hair - why didn't you make it to Legends babe?
Febuary 19, 2002 18:32:40 (GMT Time)

Comments:You birds are all full of shit - let us go home to some real British women that give good luvin`.
Febuary 19, 2002 16:23:50 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:The original pranksters are getting pissed with the misleading entries from the Cold Lake Tarts(whores). We do not need to beg and plead in order to hang out with the brit blokes(any guys from the North?) If you are the CLMB then you will know the mischief we have reaked upon the Maple Flag Inn and the RAM!!! Explain yourselves CLMB FAKES!!!
Febuary 19, 2002 03:50:51 (GMT Time)

Name:The Real Thing
Comments:Hey only wish you were in the CLMB(also known as the other Fab Four). We have not been frequenting Moon's or Legends lately...figured nobody would miss us. Tell Bertie I miss him!
Febuary 19, 2002 00:58:32 (GMT Time)

Comments:Sorry guys, boyfriends unexpectantly showed up! Still up for it though. Name the time and place...
Febuary 18, 2002 22:46:05 (GMT Time)

Name:Brit guys
Comments:CLMB where were you on Friday?
Febuary 18, 2002 15:34:17 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:As a founding member of the actual CLMB, I must protest some skanks riding on the coat tails of the legendary bunch! We certainly aren't desperate for men, they are desperate for us! We are also exceptional spellers... unlike the uneducated want-to-be's!
Febuary 18, 2002 15:15:43 (GMT Time)

Name:Brit guys
Comments:Jeeeez ladies, not getting much at home huh!
Febuary 15, 2002 19:10:21 (GMT Time)

Name:Munch Bunch
Comments:That's why we want you Brit Boys-You're gentlemen and we know that you'll respect us in the morning, unlike the pricks who live here. The offer still stands-tonight, Legends. We're horny, the rest is up to you.....
Febuary 15, 2002 19:15:20 (GMT Time)

Comments:Im now afraid to go to Legends for fear of actually getting laid!
Febuary 14, 2002 21:33:06 (GMT Time)

Comments:Good Lord! You can't post that! We're all English Gentlemen and are not often known to drink or visit said nightspot. Calm down....
Febuary 14, 2002 21:32:54 (GMT Time)

Name:Munch Bunch
Comments:It's getting very dull here boys. Let's get to the point. We want a good time and some UK cock. Legends, Friday Night. We'll no who you are.....
Febuary 14, 2002 19:26:52 (GMT Time)

Name:Another Erk
Comments:Desperado, you sound like a c*nt.
Febuary 13, 2002 23:19:44 (GMT Time)

Name:Big hairy Bollock
Comments:You can all blow me.
Febuary 13, 2002 23:15:09 (GMT Time)

Comments:Min Sep is for those without off bore sight ability. In a Jag I would have Fox 2`d the RAMs ass across the circle without the need for min sepping it. Love the helmet mounted sight - although I hear the updated RAM may have this technology for the driver.
Febuary 13, 2002 19:47:39 (GMT Time)

Name:Still PO'd, Slightly Confused, Erk
Comments:Dearest Operator, Please see Switch's entry 25 Jan. in which a dead RAM is ref'd. I mistook this as THE RAM , which was obviously in error as I have seen it shuffling about the Wal-mart parking lot. As to my original comment; Let's call that a moment of pent-up anger from a previous Thursday on the flight line.My apologies for deflowering your delicate ears.Now, what is the min separation of a Hawk from anything larger than a bread box?
Febuary 13, 2002 18:27:48 (GMT Time)

Name:Salvador Dali
Comments:My this website is even more surreal than anything else I have ever encountered! Especially the conversations in the guest book. Well done keep it up!
Febuary 12, 2002 23:41:17 (GMT Time)

Comments:Erk - What the fuck are you talking about??? Comment 1 makes no sense whatsoever, and your second effort reflects the fact that the Ram has been lost....when it hasn't at all. Wanker.
Febuary 12, 2002 16:04:08 (GMT Time)

Name:PO'd Erk
Comments:Incidentally, I am very sorry for the loss of your RAM. Do not despair, there are others, and perhaps, the spirit may be incarnated into the RAMII.
Febuary 10, 2002 04:46:32 (GMT Time)

Name:PO'd Erk
Comments:Just a quick note to the immature prick of an IP(Is that what it stands for?) who decided that 25m of taxiway was insufficient space for a single Hawk and a RAM to get by each other while moving.You are perhaps the most infantile troglodyte I have ever seen;Next time you shake your hands at me ,MotherFucker, I'll tear you a new asshole.You Know Who You Are.
Febuary 10, 2002 04:40:17 (GMT Time)

Name:Loser wannabee
Comments:I think the person mentioning "P" is a Loser! How can I be like you! You are my loser hero. Anyone got any charcoal tablets?
Febuary 8, 2002 18:53:26 (GMT Time)

Comments:What the fuck is that last post all about? Where does the streak mention 'P'??
Febuary 8, 2002 17:26:51 (GMT Time)

Name:not required to know
Comments:Hey Streak, what's the P for? I am guessing another term for lacking male genitalia?
Febuary 7, 2002 01:40:12 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Ehh up lads - how's it going at Cold Lake? Still doing nowt? Spoory have you found my Brady rule yet? The GR4 is the dog's choad. Later.
Febuary 6, 2002 19:48:36 (GMT Time)

Name:Buzz Lightyear
Comments:Ahh the RAMCam, an interstellar attraction that I had to visit. Worth every minute, if only I could have a ride. To infinity, and beyond!
Febuary 6, 2002 18:46:25 (GMT Time)

Name:Bill Clinton
Comments:Now I don't have the United States to look after I've had a bit of time on my hands. I have found solace in your website and it keeps me entertained on a daily basis in between my golfing trips and banging the wife. I look forward to the 3000th hit. Don't give it to Spoor though, he'll lose it.
Febuary 6, 2002 16:19:40 (GMT Time)

Name:Finally on ACM
Comments:Yes, just! ACM 3 next. March 22nd - Like that will happen
Febuary 4, 2002 22:12:14 (GMT Time)

Name:The BBF!
Comments:Think what you like young Spoor but there is only one BBF!! When are you guys back in the UK? Jim wants to know if you've finished the BFM phase yet?!
Febuary 4, 2002 18:56:43 (GMT Time)

Comments:I pose the question, is BBF actually BBF or is he in fact another Brit on det!?? I have my suspicions lads!
Febuary 1, 2002 21:39:21 (GMT Time)

Comments:Negative but I know a short Welshman on my cse who is like a pig for the GR4!! I cant stress enough times - I am slightly bigger than average height !
Febuary 1, 2002 20:52:04 (GMT Time)

Comments:Is that Spoor? The chap on 007 who is mad for the Fin? Maybe the fact that he wants to fly the biggest fast jet in the RAF is yet ANOTHER display of SMS from NFTC's shortest angry Scotsman. PS Don't lend him anything.
Febuary 1, 2002 19:41:31 (GMT Time)

Comments:Streak . Any chance of sending house buying / renting info in Lossie to the NFTC chap on 007 whose MAD for the Fin ?
Febuary 1, 2002 17:04:13 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Grimmo - you are absolutely Donald Ducked mate!!! You hactually have to work here and put some effort in!! I'm struggling to concentrate on the work with all these fit birds around. Oh, no, that's right...... Whoever said "Check your mail" - haven't received anything yet. If all else fails try
January 31, 2002 22:07:04 (GMT Time)

Comments:BBF - Yep still on ACM1. 100 possible flying days have passed, and me and smuts have 14 flts under our belt. 0.14 hit rate to date! I am of slightly above average ht as I have previousely reported, so no SMS here! Roll on Blighty
January 30, 2002 23:10:00 (GMT Time)

Name:THE BBF!!
Comments:Whooaaa there! Look at Spoor flash up! Is this some SMS (or very SMS) or can you simply not take responsibility for stuff that you borrow (and then lose?) Hope you are enjoying being at the chilly puddle STILL and probably STILL on ACM. I'm loving Blighty. Now f*ck off you mini Scottish individual!
January 30, 2002 20:16:35 (GMT Time)

Comments:Streak . Check your e mails . Look fwd to hearing from you soon
January 30, 2002 16:55:18 (GMT Time)

Comments:HAHA. *yawn*. Spoory borrowed my brady rule, spoory borrowed my ........,Spoory borrowed my ........, whatever you lost in Canada lets say we lent it to him. If u want a hawk brady rule andy u can have mine when i finish! Try looking in the planning room before u leave next time!
January 29, 2002 22:46:17 (GMT Time)

Comments:Suggestion that no-one ever lends Spoor anything ever again. He probably collects things like a little hoarding squirrel. About the same size anyway.
January 29, 2002 21:03:18 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Spoory, you still got my Brady rule fella? I seem to remember you borrowing it once over and now I need it I can't seem to find it. Appreciate you having a look for it chap. Many thanks. The Streak. PS. There's two inches of snow up here, but it's that wet shite that's no use to man nor beast!!!!
January 29, 2002 19:31:48 (GMT Time)

Comments:Apology accepted mate. Didnt need to get that heated though did it?! But if I do find them (i`ll keep looking) I will send them back and you can take yours back for a refund. Debate closed. Oh, and the wx is gorgeous but far to cold to fly.
January 29, 2002 19:28:35 (GMT Time)

Name:T he BBF!!
Comments:Many thanks for your efforts on finding the CD's swearing Scottish dude, but I've bought them now anyway! Glad to hear the weather is shit, I look forward to more banter very soon!
January 29, 2002 18:48:38 (GMT Time)

Comments:I just can't get you out of my head.
January 29, 2002 05:56:36 (GMT Time)

Name:Angry Gwa
Comments:BBF stop calling me-my hubby is back...
January 28, 2002 23:16:02 (GMT Time)

Name:Spoor (Fizzing)
Comments:And as for an explanation, well..........why should I have to!
January 28, 2002 23:00:08 (GMT Time)

Name:Spoor AGAIN
Comments:BBF-How about you back off. I dont have your Cd, either of them. Best you work out who you did leave it with coz it wasnt me. I refuse to take any more shit about it. Try They might be able to help you!I have put in some effort to find it out here but now I have no compulsion to find it!! I dont doubt Jim remembers someone borrowing it but since I have no method of copying Cds it was a bit pointless me borrowing it in the 1st place dont you think. regards..........
January 28, 2002 22:57:48 (GMT Time)

Comments:Spoor - leave my girlfriend out of this twat and please return the CD. Now off to bed and expecting an explanation by the morning! Just to remove all doubt Whitworth was a witness and you said you borrowed it because you wanted to copy it.
January 28, 2002 21:52:27 (GMT Time)

Comments:Found them both today actually BBF. Chelle must have left them in my bedside drawer when I chucked her out of my room for eating crisps in bed!
January 28, 2002 18:42:10 (GMT Time)

Comments:And while we're at it - Chelle just asked to borrow my Blink 182 CD and its f*cking missing!!!! Enjoying that one as well Spoory???
January 28, 2002 18:37:41 (GMT Time)

Comments:Spoor is the only lady here. Weezer CD please.
January 28, 2002 17:48:18 (GMT Time)

Name:Conspiracy theorist
Comments:I think the Streak and BBF might be working in collaboration on this Spoor baiting ritual! Do the Government have anything to do with this? Is it a nationwide Weezer CD stealing espionage plot. I leave it to you ladies to work out.
January 28, 2002 17:11:19 (GMT Time)

Comments:Streak - Get FUCKED!
January 28, 2002 15:16:59 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:So you've f*cking lost it then Spoory??? Useless Get. The BBF is good enough to lend you stuff and not only do you horde it from him, but you go and misplace it. And you expect the Queen to lend you one of her jets. "Sorry M'am, not sure where I put it. In fact, I've had a good look around and I can't see it. Oh well, guess you'll just have to buy another then....!!!!!!"
January 26, 2002 16:11:36 (GMT Time)

Comments:RAM's rule!! Let's have a moment of silence for my old RAM which passed away in Dec 2000 after 21 years of service. . . . That's enough. Back to work for me.
January 25, 2002 20:38:16 (GMT Time)

Comments:ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ive told you I dont have it mate. I had a good look round last night and its not in my room at all. I will have a look in the vans this weekend but I can assure you "No Duff" - good IOTism, that I never borrowed it from you. But I will fly Transatlantic and knock you out. By the way, Im slightly above average height and my nation is fighting for freedom constantly!
January 25, 2002 19:53:09 (GMT Time)

Comments:Ahh yes the smallest man on NFTC and in NATO perhaps threatening to knock me out after a transatlantic flight. That I would like to see. Cut the crap small Scottish defeated nation twat and send the CD back. You've had your fun. I'll pay the postage.
January 25, 2002 18:59:40 (GMT Time)

Name:Pissed Brits
Comments:We are always playing in the bar
January 25, 2002 16:08:23 (GMT Time)

Name:Bar Wenches
Comments:Hey boys, want to play? Moon's you say?
January 24, 2002 22:15:17 (GMT Time)

January 24, 2002 21:55:47 (GMT Time)

January 24, 2002 21:50:18 (GMT Time)

Name:The Strrrrrrrrreak
Comments:Anyway Spoory, you tight-fisted Scottish Ham-shanker, get yer own Weezer CD!!! If BBF says he lent it to you, then he did so (hmmmmm.....) I'm saying nothing about the very informative Flight Safety Magazine of BBFs that I still have in my posession.......
January 24, 2002 18:40:47 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:F*ck me pink boyz, I've seen this sort of aggression before and it also (co-incidentally) tied in with a bout of utter shite weather that was preventing us from flying.
January 24, 2002 18:38:23 (GMT Time)

Comments:Errr Spoor wrong! Think you'll find I lent it to you after a very drunken happy hour and trip to Moons. Have you lost it? If so you are a wanker.
January 24, 2002 17:33:31 (GMT Time)

Comments:Apologies for flashing BBF.
January 24, 2002 16:16:07 (GMT Time)

Comments:BBF you freak! You NEVER EVER lent me a Weezer (who the fuck are they!) CD. To be honest I think I have never had the compulsion to listen to that shit anyway! I will try and find out who you did leave it with but it wasn`t me!!!!!!!! So back off BITCH - I will knock you out Hows the F3
January 24, 2002 15:43:27 (GMT Time)

Comments:Aaah yes Spoory. Please can you check again because I'm pretty sure I lent you that Weezer CD at the end of November. Just pop it in the post and I'll reimburse you postage when you get back here (probably around mid September.) Toodle-pip
January 23, 2002 23:54:40 (GMT Time)

Name:Bonnyville 1st Nation Rehab Clinic
Comments:Are we to expect Fg Off Peter Ward for his course over the first weekend in February? Haven't had a British fast jet pilot here before, all the pikeys are really excited about meeting him. Dress code: Shell suit with white trainers. Bring: Wash kit and change of shell suit. Please refrain from bringing meths.
January 23, 2002 23:50:46 (GMT Time)

Name:Canadian Met Observer
Comments:Its not my fault the actuals are so far out! I dont have any windows in my met office to observe out of!!!! You surely cant expect me to go outside as part of my job can you?!
January 23, 2002 20:25:11 (GMT Time)

Name:Met man
Comments:Expect completely overcast layers this week lads. The temperature won't be a problem but the large amounts of snowfall might affect flying. Definately won't be blue skies and sunny until at least early next week.
January 23, 2002 19:45:55 (GMT Time)

Comments:I have a vat of liquid oxygen at home that I like to hop in from time to time. Now thats cold!!!!!
January 23, 2002 16:37:58 (GMT Time)

Name:Any Canadian
Comments:Desperado, that's not cold! If you want cold you've got to go to the Arctic Circle, that's cold.
January 22, 2002 19:32:21 (GMT Time)

Name:Future Shop
Comments:Thanks for buying the laptops guys. Did I say I only made 150 bucks on each! My mistake, I'll send a postcard from Thailand. Cheers, as they say.
January 21, 2002 21:12:30 (GMT Time)

Comments:People keep telling me that Yellow Knife is fairly brisk this time of year!
January 21, 2002 20:41:25 (GMT Time)

Name:Random Canadian Punter
Comments:This isn't cold.............!
January 21, 2002 18:58:25 (GMT Time)

Name:NFTC Organiser
Comments:Ha ha ha...I said the weather would be good here in the winter! I lied! Expect overcast until March and watch your grad dates keep slipping and sliding...
January 21, 2002 18:27:04 (GMT Time)

Name:Small Scottish Bloke
Comments:"Slightly above average size" actually! Thank you so much for the kind use of your table as a pillow, the napkins were extremely comfortable. I think it was the abundance of spice in my mild, LAMB Korma that hit me hard. Apologies to all the families in there having a nice meal. But Brits will be Brits, and we do like a scoof!
January 21, 2002 16:49:34 (GMT Time)

Name:The New Asian Village
Comments:Glad to host the lively English gentlemen over the weekend. Slightly dissapointed to see the 'average sized' Scottish one pass out head first on the table at 8pm after his mild chicken Korma. Don't worry about the terret like outburst at the waitress when you realized your mates had left you sleeping - she has forgiven you. We welcome you any time.
January 21, 2002 16:23:04 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Listen to Youri getting all in-yer-face!!! Anyway knob-ends, how's life out there??? Hovis is nice, Yorkshire better, Scotland still the big pile of doggy shite we left after raiding the bastards, however GR4 rocks!!! LOTS of work to do fellas!!!!
January 20, 2002 19:03:34 (GMT Time)

Name:George W Bush
Comments:Come on Youri, no need to flash up. The van may be terminally ill after all!
January 17, 2002 15:41:58 (GMT Time)

Comments:Move your stinking van out of the Mess parking lot !
January 16, 2002 22:17:26 (GMT Time)

Comments:Streak - Glad to hear you will still be spouting your illiterate gobshite at us even when you are 3 squibillion miles away. How is the Hovis bread in Yorkshire at the moment? Food out here sucks the preverbial cock still. Better food on Frosted Flyer than in the feeder!
January 16, 2002 19:54:22 (GMT Time)

Name:homer simpson
Comments:Streak! Good to hear from you! Still shagging sixteen year olds?! How is the Scottish hole? (and mighty GR4!)
January 16, 2002 19:53:00 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Now then Cocksuckers!!!! How's it all going then??? Christmas good, Mail getting through, food alright - yeah I bet!!! By the way, AntiStreak, tough shit, `cos whether I'm there or here, it's still gonna be filled with Yorkshire shite!!!!!
January 16, 2002 19:42:17 (GMT Time)

Comments:Streak, if you see BBF tell him I dont have his F*ckin WEEZER CD and never have coz they suck! Cheers dude
January 14, 2002 22:41:00 (GMT Time)

Name:The Anti Streak
Comments:Hopefully this book will filled with less shite now that 'the Streak' is rumoured to have left Canada. We will miss his lankiness in Moons though...
January 8, 2002 20:47:06 (GMT Time)

Comments:Happy New Years to all! New year's with the new and out with the that is! John Smiths? I'd rather Newcastle Brown!
January 4, 2002 20:09:33 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak and cousin Jnr Streak!!!!
Comments:How's it all going lads??? Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year - my kidneys are fair wrecked now due to the consumption of about 35 pints of John Smiths so far!!!! My cousin's are fine (he's 14) - although he did try with a few bottles of Vodka Source the other night!!!! Best of luck to you all guys and I'll see y'all on return to Blighty!!!
December 26, 2001 15:55:33 (GMT Time)

Name:Grandad, Toronto
Comments:Streak, hope the kidneys of 5 cse have time to recover in time for the festivities and real English Beer!Happy Holidays to all. Departing thought; Air Canada are shite! Ciao
December 15, 2001 15:51:45 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:The Streak is also signing off for Christmas, perhaps for ever - maybe I'll rub out this afternoon after severe alcohol poisoning!!!! Watch out Lossie........
December 14, 2001 19:14:19 (GMT Time)

Comments:Desperado is signing off for the festive period. To all the RAM fans, have a great christmas and new year. See you all back in the chilly puddle next year.
December 12, 2001 20:38:55 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hey Desperado! I was at Moon's on Friday night in a much similar condition as yourself! As the temperature drops in the Cool Pool Alberia, things heat up at the local boozer! It's all good!
December 12, 2001 16:40:52 (GMT Time)

Comments:Didnt see you in the bar on friday or saturday, onlooker - but thats probably because I couldnt see after 9pm! Hey Oil Field Worker - Get off your fat ass and down to Moons on wednesday nite for some exhibition drinking before you depart the drilling rig.
December 11, 2001 23:24:38 (GMT Time)

Comments:I just read the "Ask Statto" forum and I think it is brilliant. I think you guys must be consuming enormous amounts of cheap pharmaceuticals or be dead bored! I am still laughing!
December 7, 2001 23:27:30 (GMT Time)

Comments:I would be more than pleased to buy you a drink however it seems as though you guys want to keep to yourself. If I knew which one you are, it would be on!
December 7, 2001 23:01:37 (GMT Time)

Comments:Onlooker- Get down the pub and buy us a few drinks and we will gladly join you!
December 7, 2001 17:07:53 (GMT Time)

Comments:There is more to life than not being able to get it up..flying that is! Go down the pub and drink a few. Life is short and opportunities aren't endless. Cheers!
December 7, 2001 06:01:52 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:It seems the lack of flying has got to Statto. It appears he's gone mad and is repeating everything he is saying.
December 6, 2001 20:34:38 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:It seems the lack of flying has got to Statto. It appears he's gone mad and is repeating everything he is saying.
December 6, 2001 20:34:30 (GMT Time)

Comments:I seem to have lost interest in the Ask Statto forum. If I don't get back to it in the next couple of days, feel free to change it to 'Ask Anyone Else but Statto'.
December 6, 2001 19:48:48 (GMT Time)

Comments:I seem to have lost interest in the Ask Statto forum. If I don't get back to it in the next couple of days, feel free to change it to 'Ask Anyone Else but Statto'.
December 6, 2001 19:48:36 (GMT Time)

Name:Sqn Ldr Headley Haselden
Comments:Aaah yes, when I used to test the Handley Page kites in Middleton St George, we had a ram aswell. But this one was a sheep you see, bloody awful thing, smelt like nobodies business and always shitting. Baaaa...those were the days. Snake Snake!
December 6, 2001 19:46:53 (GMT Time)

Name:Rolls Royce Ginger, Derby UK
Comments:Heard the Ram didn't start this morning, I'll have a look as soon as we get the Hawks sorted out. My, you think this is cold, this is nothing!
December 6, 2001 18:07:52 (GMT Time)

Comments:Sorry to hear you guys are heading back home. Will miss you lots...Happy Christmas!
December 6, 2001 04:22:33 (GMT Time)

Name:Russian Snatch
Comments:Hear that I made an appearance in the briefing room the other day with Montreal bird. Damn those admin trappers!
December 5, 2001 21:00:44 (GMT Time)

Name:Slightly miffed
Comments:Flying......any chance?! ..............No, didnt think so
December 5, 2001 19:56:40 (GMT Time)

Name:The snow
Comments:I'm here to stay again this week - sorry lads. Mind you, under two weeks and you'll be back in Blighty where it's 30 degrees warmer.
December 3, 2001 22:38:33 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Jasper alright lads??? Good to see the Ram maintaining Straight and Level for a change when I overtook you lot last night!!! Sorry for the confusion over the "hazards" - just trying to say "Hi"!!!!
December 3, 2001 17:23:15 (GMT Time)

Name:High Hopes
Comments:Ski Bunny, my experience with the Ram boys is lot of talk with much else. Good Luck!
November 29, 2001 23:23:29 (GMT Time)

Name:Ski Bunny
Comments:Is it true? Are the boys in the Ram really coming to give us some sweet lovin' at Jasper this weekend? Please make our dreams come true....
November 29, 2001 20:31:31 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:OilField Worker - Fort Mac eh??? Cold Lake's not too bad, but we tend to push to either Edmonton or Saskatoon for the weekends!!! Not saying that it's not a good time here, but it's all the same after a while!!! Fort Mac worth a visit???
November 28, 2001 20:28:07 (GMT Time)

Comments:What's the night life like there in Cold Lake? Fort McMurray is quite boring and I've been looking for other places to party.
November 28, 2001 20:26:27 (GMT Time)

Comments:Nice to see everyone getting along. Let's all have a big group hug with me in the middle!Easy on the eyes or just plain's all good! Don't keep running away on week ends, the cold this time of the year makes us all want to keep warm!
November 28, 2001 18:58:40 (GMT Time)

Name:Small Scottish Bloke
Comments:Oil field worker - Apologies, the banter level increases in harshness with the more time spent doing nothing. At least you can sleep during the day now! But look on the bright side, its almost the weekend again and it will be time to escape from Camp Coldlakeitz!
November 28, 2001 18:39:33 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:OilFieldWorker - Awight squire!!! Everything's a bit frustrated here as well with us being stuck on the ground due to this rubbish weather!!!Banter probably got a bit *too* harsh, so I apologise for getting shirty. Keep up the good work fella `cos without you, we'd be going nowhere!!!!!
November 28, 2001 17:10:20 (GMT Time)

Comments:ha ha OilWorker - good lad. As for the onlooker comment, not sure all of us are easy on the eye, maybe just easy.
November 28, 2001 16:49:52 (GMT Time)

Comments:I apologize for my earlier remarks, you gentlemen caught me on a bad day. I'm just really frustrated with my 'groundhog day' life of pulling the black goo out of the ground day in and day out. I really do wish I could do what you boys do, every time I see you flying up there I get butterflies in my stomach. I would love a ride in your Ram.
November 28, 2001 15:31:01 (GMT Time)

Comments:Forget about the weather....England's weather for the most part, sucks. We do have a great air space with minimal restrictions. The Brits are easy on the eyes and a cracking good time. What about my ride in the Ram?
November 28, 2001 03:25:30 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Also, matey, I suggest you try flying in this crap and doing what we do - not really possible. Also, it's due to the sponsors of our flying system here that we can't move off elsewhere to a part of the world with better weather. Otherwise, we would, now go and pollute someone else's web-site. By the way, every entry on here is a personal one and every response is a personal one.....
November 27, 2001 21:35:03 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Nothing like provoking a response is there??? Tut, tut, tut!!! I still return back to the original banter that we burn what you produce..... Anyway, this is supposed to be a "friendly" web-site, of which you have obviously demonstrated a complete lack of understanding. If you don't like our humour, then once you've tried it once, don't come back, you don't HAVE to log on.......
November 27, 2001 21:32:20 (GMT Time)

Comments:You've just demonstrated your complete lack of understanding...and perhaps why we've figured we could do without your so-called monarchy. I said I work nights, which by grade one comprehension means I sleep during the day. Presumably you do fly during the day? Unless you hide on the ground during our beautiful winter weather?
November 27, 2001 21:01:48 (GMT Time)

Name:Small Scottish Bloke
Comments:Oil Field Worker - My old man works on the rigs in the North Sea doing a real job! I dont hear him complaining about the noise of whales humping and jets flying. Are you in actual fact a complete pussy that doesnt like the noise or the cold, if so your impotent opinions count for nothing in this virtual Brit land. Get back to the drilling floor - you wouldnt be able to hear the jets if you were working hard enough!
November 27, 2001 20:05:09 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Get some knowledge Oil Field Worker - we don't fly nights, so that's shat on your bonfire. Also, we burn the black stuff you dredge from the Earth, ergo every pilot here (not just Brits) put's the bread in your kid's mouths. Nyaaaaaa!!!! ;-p
November 27, 2001 20:00:36 (GMT Time)

Comments:icle....Get a life or go home!!
November 27, 2001 19:09:02 (GMT Time)

Comments:What is it with you Brits and those annoying habits you put down as having a great sense of humor? Why do you think you are always superior to everybody else? I'm sick and tired of you all going 'Up diddly up!' and making lots of noise (I work night shifts) over our oil wells and then moaning about how boring Alberta is. It may not be the white cliffs of Dover but it is the energy heartland of North America and should be treated with a little respect. As for that piece of shit you call a veh
November 27, 2001 19:07:59 (GMT Time)

Comments:The BBF - I blame the lack of ability at the local juicer on your own lack of leadership. I beleive a stronger display of seniorness needs to be shown especially to those ex-uni stooodes who are out of practice! That is when you are not being used as the local school disco`s glitterball! Regards oh illustrious leader.
November 27, 2001 18:23:52 (GMT Time)

Name:Father Jolly
Comments:Whoever decided to stir the pot here has certainly found a raw nerve! As the protector of illiterate drunkards all over, it has to be said that most of my flock are (ex)students. With this in mind I feel the young chaps ought to stop bantering each other, as long as the filthy (ex)students accept they're unable to drink for toffee first. God bless you all and see in the juicer.
November 27, 2001 17:32:30 (GMT Time)

Name:The BBF
Comments:Well Mr Statto, my response is here as this is not a question and far more a statement in reply to your aggressively pathetic lack of drinking 'G' knowledge! The night in question saw the 'G' beginning long after you were tucked up in bed with your coco, reading 'Drinking 'G's for beginners-the students edition'. After realising that I have never had the joy of destroying you in any kind of formal drinking 'G', why don't you choose your weapons and come on down to the juicer this 'avo and take o
November 27, 2001 17:24:18 (GMT Time)

Name:Father Christmas
Comments:Ho ho ho. I hope that all the Ram children are filled with Christmas joy now that the snow is falling, and all the Christmas bollocks decorations are in the feeder. I am hoping to accomodate all of your present requests, although tell Whitworth that I am running short of webbing so he may be disappointed. Ho ho ho.
November 27, 2001 17:19:00 (GMT Time)

Name:PC McDunlop
Comments:Glad to hear that you guys have changed the tires and hopefully your underpants after your Route2 off road incident. Torville and Dean would have been proud. 5.8, 5.9, 6.0, 5.8, 5.9, 6.0, 5.8, 5.9, 5.8, 5.9.
November 26, 2001 21:55:31 (GMT Time)

Comments:Bit shaken still after seeing the RAM piroette in my wing mirror at 110kmph and cut up a 800 wheel massive truck before leaving the tarmac. Good driving by T "Slippy" E to keep it from rolling though. And to top it all the indestructable beast is back on the road with some spangly new tyres. Good effort! Glad everyone was OK - Bring on Jasper this weekend.
November 26, 2001 21:19:28 (GMT Time)

Name:Father Jolly
Comments:( Sound of Angels aaaahhhhh.....)I thoroughly agree with the Streaks last comments, lets just remember that the Big Boss upstairs doesn't take kindly to all this negativity. Praise be to the RAM and all who sail in her! ( Sound of angels checking out Aaaaahhhaahhhaaaaa.....)
November 26, 2001 21:12:13 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Whooaaaaaaa Kenny!!!! There's way too much negative feeling on this Guestbook. Let's all just cool our Herbs and be thankful that everyone's okay after the "incident" at the weekend. Cheers guys. Wattsy.
November 26, 2001 20:52:17 (GMT Time)

Comments:I choose to remain anonymous because it is exercized by other contributors as show me yours and I'll show you mine. A ride in the Ram would be a not tease me!
November 26, 2001 20:52:15 (GMT Time)

Comments:onlooker... why have a go at the Brits but remain anon? Did you live a little before age crept on you?
November 26, 2001 19:45:07 (GMT Time)

Comments:onlooker... why have a go at the Brits but remain anon? Did you live a little before age crept on you?
November 26, 2001 19:44:58 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hang on a moment...putting others down? Where? Can't see any part of this massive and glorious website that criticises any Canadian (except Malcolm, but he started it with 'get a life'.) Why this 'slag off all Brits' bandwagon? Annoyed that we're having a good time? Perhaps we should quieten down and become miserable. Perhaps onlooker should take a pill and relax, or come for a trip in the Ram with its new white wall tyres. By the way, it's great to be here!
November 26, 2001 16:38:00 (GMT Time)

Name: Onlooker
Comments:Once again the British are living up to their standards of arrogance and ignorance. Come to one of the top countries in the world, to THE best province in Canada and a great little town to live in, and what do they do? I guess some people are left with little alternative...putting others down to make themselves feel some semblance of self worth.
November 23, 2001 19:37:15 (GMT Time)

Name:Jenson Interceptor
Comments:Get off the website y'old bastard!!
November 23, 2001 17:16:15 (GMT Time)

Comments:in fact i am still going strong at 73 and i still love my car, i belong to the vintage sports car club of calgary and i have a 1973 Jenson Interceptor convertable. Still turns the young ladies heads even at my age.
November 23, 2001 13:53:47 (GMT Time)

Comments:grandad, i take it by your name you are not a spring chicken. but hey life begins at 50.
November 23, 2001 11:37:01 (GMT Time)

Comments:Wish I was!
November 22, 2001 20:03:56 (GMT Time)

Comments:is this web site real? It seems to be taken as a bit of a joke. I have seen the dodge ram around cold lake,what an inventive idea worshipping your wheels, you must be young men?
November 22, 2001 12:43:18 (GMT Time)

Name:Total Agreement With Oprah
Comments:You go girl....everything DO get boring after awhile. Case in point...this web page and the blokes featured.
November 22, 2001 05:10:34 (GMT Time)

Name:Oprah Winfrey
Comments:Guestbook It's Ok to feel a little left out now that ASK STATTO is in full swing. However, remember you are the holder of wise words from Malcolm Easle and President Bush. And all things get boring after a while so sod off.
November 20, 2001 15:03:05 (GMT Time)

Name:The 208 Sqn RAF Valley Streaming Board
Comments:Andrew Chisholm is a prime candidate for the Linton slot. Anyone agree?
November 19, 2001 23:14:42 (GMT Time)

Name:The Guestbook
Comments:I feel like I have been rejected now that "Ask Statto" is in operation.
November 19, 2001 17:42:35 (GMT Time)

Name:Interested Onlooker
Comments:How unfortunate that you must cling to archaic spellings merely to differentiate yourself from an American. English is a whore of a language, always picking up something new to remain dynamic.
November 17, 2001 00:15:11 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Sorry, "pronounced".
November 16, 2001 22:56:05 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:By the way Interested Onlooker, this side of the world speaks "English" and therefore should adhere to correct spellings. Harbor, color etc etc are not tolerated. Tomato and potato is also pronounce correctly. Thanks to the Ram for taking me to get my eyes checked last night. Too much wan
November 16, 2001 22:55:26 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:I can see where you're coming from Concerned Brit!!! It appears that whilst your "friend's" training system is suffering from lack of organisation, it has also broken down as many times as the Ram whilst still managing to attain the love of its conveyants!!!
November 16, 2001 22:52:53 (GMT Time)

Name:Interested Onlooker
Comments:Concerned Brit, I believe the correct spelling is in fact "organization". I know I need to get a life or to get laid..any takers?
November 16, 2001 21:43:03 (GMT Time)

Name:Concerned Brit
Comments:It is not difficult to admire the efficient and timely way that the RAM is operated. I have a friend who has a friend who is attempting to run a high profile training system, and could do with some advice on organisation and efficiency. All ideas welcomed, am prepared to work weekends.
November 16, 2001 21:21:52 (GMT Time)

Comments:Beermonkey -good to see right prevailing. Nice one geezer, just dont get lashed to celebrate! The colonial north would not be the same without your ever present loudness
November 16, 2001 20:13:38 (GMT Time)

Name:The alcohol counsellor
Comments:Beermonkey, glad that you will be able to attend my rehab course in February. Stay away from all those nasty British guys, they can't be trusted and are all substance abusers. I'm off to Ask Statto if I'm a loser or not!
November 16, 2001 20:13:34 (GMT Time)

Comments:Just to let the gathered masses know, the Beermonkey (currently on extended R&R) has escaped deportation and will be remaining in the colonies for the time-being. He thanks all those concerned for their good humoured banter and will look out for you all when he is CDS.
November 16, 2001 19:48:41 (GMT Time)

Name:Interested Onlooker
Comments:I believe British Columbia has strict environmental regulations that would in all liklihood restrict you from operating the Ram in that province. I am sure emmisions from the Ram would exceed air quality standards imposed by B.C. government.
November 15, 2001 18:20:24 (GMT Time)

Name:The Knights of Pithius
Comments:The Knights of Pithius and the Pithean sisters of the Eastern star would like to pay homage to the handsome young men from 419 Sqn. What a superlative display of drinking and altogether coolness you displayed throughout your quest to Kamloops. We worship you like a group of demi-gods. Now we must go and polish our armour and mount our trusty steeds. Onwards...........
November 15, 2001 15:35:56 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:I think it's a damn shame that the Ram wasn't able to make it to Kamloops this weekend. After all, it's a veteran in it's own right and needs celebrating. Perhaps when it does finally go to the big Dodge garage in the sky, Mr Blair can arrange a national day of mourning for the old Gal!!! Still years left in her yet though......
November 14, 2001 23:47:22 (GMT Time)

Name:Kylie Minogue
Comments:I wish Robbie had ploughed me in the RAM, it suddenly holds massive celebrity media potential.
November 14, 2001 18:44:23 (GMT Time)

Name:homer simpson
Comments:Surely the 2000th hit Robbie?! Either way it goes to show the awesome nature of the site. Mmmmm doughnuts....
November 14, 2001 18:40:57 (GMT Time)

Name:Robbie Williams
Comments:Just heard that I am about to be made famous on the RamCam to celebrate the website's 200th visitor, under the title 'MilleniRam'! That's great news and I completely endorse all publicity in my name. This is clearly my proudest moment, and even beats the time that I ploughed Kylie.
November 14, 2001 15:47:57 (GMT Time)

Name:Hugh Heffner
Comments:In a brief moment off from servicing my lovely ladies I stumbled across your great site. Maybe the RAM could make a visit to Playboy Towers and grace us with its presence. I may even spare a few ladies for you.
November 8, 2001 16:32:23 (GMT Time)

Name:Cure for Insomia
November 8, 2001 02:50:50 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hello Cindy
November 6, 2001 21:04:46 (GMT Time)

Name:Piece of Filth
Comments:Valley happy hour, apparently a person/group with extremely limited vocabulary and cerebral function. Could not come up with a nicer word for the female genitalia? Absolute lavy mouth and a big gobshite.
November 6, 2001 17:07:15 (GMT Time)

Comments:Well done Malcolm! I knew it all along! A tremendous weight must be lifted off your shoulders. You should have no problem finding a "life partner" because you seem like a nice person. Be proud and stay true to yourself.
November 6, 2001 16:55:02 (GMT Time)

Name:Cindy Crawford
Comments:Hello boys!
November 6, 2001 14:55:48 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:Just to let you know that I am gay. I came out this weekend - I have been keeping it cooped up for a long time, that's why I was so grumpy. Now I'm happy and want to make friends with you and maybe borrow the Ram for some George Michael-type action. Waddaya reckon?
November 6, 2001 13:16:25 (GMT Time)

Name:The Mayor of Kamloops
Comments:Looking forward to the weekend's hosting of The Moose Squadron. Is Boomer coming? The Fire Officer wants to know, he has expressed concern about the safety of his fire hydrants.
November 5, 2001 23:11:42 (GMT Time)

Comments:The 2000th Hit, a massive milestone! Congrats to the RAM Hit team. I would like to join Streak in thanking the team for another epic Edmonton weekender. Every trip is an adventure. Bring on KAMLOOPS!
November 5, 2001 16:32:03 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Congrats on the 2000th hit boys!!! Many thanks to the Ram for an "out and back" to Edmonton this weekend. Brought Streak, the "disaster", home!!!! Again......
November 5, 2001 16:02:36 (GMT Time)

Name:Dave Hammond
Comments:ola horse, what the fuck is a RAM, on pumas now at benson, keep in touch
November 4, 2001 13:05:24 (GMT Time)

Comments:I see the lone sole at the valley happy hour was having such a good night on the island that he had to go surfing the net! Cheers losers we still have friday night to come and then we can go out in edmonton! Regards to the Octopig!
November 2, 2001 22:30:26 (GMT Time)

Name:Valley happy hour
Comments:You're all cunts, you're all cunts, you're all cunts and we are all cunted
November 2, 2001 21:42:44 (GMT Time)

Name:RAM Tech Dept, CL
Comments:Please bring your Ram back in, as we have just remembered that despite charging you $300, we actually forgot to do any of the work you asked for.
November 2, 2001 20:00:17 (GMT Time)

Name:419 magpie
Comments:i see the 2000 hit coming. If anyone's seeing it then i'll have it. Maybe i'll eat it with a chunk off my face !
November 1, 2001 22:17:36 (GMT Time)

Name:Roy Castle
Comments:I see the two thousandth hit on the website is fast approaching. Surely this is a record - maybe Norris should be contacted and made aware of this enviable feat! Regards
November 1, 2001 16:17:56 (GMT Time)

Name:Chailin Donn
Comments:Small Scottish Bloke...forget Sask chick. Good things come in small packages! You can speak to me between my legs with that brogue anytime! If it's not's crap!
October 31, 2001 22:43:55 (GMT Time)

Comments:Earl of Shat, did I hit a nerve? Why are you Earl of Shat? Why not Lord of Shite or Duke of Dung?
October 31, 2001 22:32:00 (GMT Time)

Name:homer simpson
Comments:Hmm, seem to detect some banter and general ill feeling on the guestbook today. Must be a bad weather day! (Denise, will pay you a lot of money for a visit. Can't afford as much as Siah but competetive nonetheless.)
October 31, 2001 20:57:04 (GMT Time)

Name:Small Scottish Bloke
Comments:Sask Chick - Having never been out in the first place you must be picking up your shreds of information from where exactly? I think you are confusing me with someone who gives a fuck ....and did I ever say I got laid on the weekend?! No I dont recall I did. Sorry if I didnt meet up with your "OBVIOUSLY" high standards but we cant all be legendary all the time. *EMERGENCY BANTER RELEASE - PRESS HERE* BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ - PRESSED!
October 31, 2001 17:16:14 (GMT Time)

Comments:Even if you've never met me, you are not safe!
October 31, 2001 16:36:22 (GMT Time)

Name:419 magpie
Comments:never turn your back on your nest or i'll be in like a shot ! (ask statto )
October 31, 2001 15:30:36 (GMT Time)

Name:The Earl of Shat
Comments:Elton - back off.
October 30, 2001 22:21:12 (GMT Time)

Name:The Earl of Shat
Comments:Having been away from the guest book for a while, I am shocked to see all of the celebrities what have been on the web-site. Indeed could Denise "Christmas" Richards please think very carefully about giving me a good gobble. Answers here please.
October 30, 2001 22:20:32 (GMT Time)

Name:Sask Chick
Comments:And you spelt "obviously" wrong too . . . obviously !
October 30, 2001 20:21:14 (GMT Time)

Name:Sask Chick
Comments:Not quite .You are the sad pathetic weirdo that begged me for sex and wept about how "I haven`t had any yet in Canada and I have to make up stories to my mates, saying i pulled when they aren`t around" Touching story, my heart bled , but I told you then , I don`t do charity cases . .. . . . . .! I liked your friend , Mike I think ? If he`s reading this , get him to e mail me at .
October 30, 2001 20:00:16 (GMT Time)

Name:Small Scottish Bloke
Comments:Sask chick, you are obviousely the gripper I left high and dry! Get over it, there are plenty of pikeys that will take you on Im sure. FREEDOM!
October 30, 2001 17:01:10 (GMT Time)

Name:Denise Richards
Comments:Hi boys! I'm on the set of my latest film and one of the stage crew mentioned your website! WOW! I look forward to a shot with the Ram!
October 30, 2001 16:54:55 (GMT Time)

Name:Sask Chick
Comments:He`s not.
October 30, 2001 16:19:37 (GMT Time)

Name:homer simpson
Comments:That follows, he was magpieing whatever he could find. As far as I know, the guru Siah saw the only action during the weekend.
October 30, 2001 16:19:19 (GMT Time)

Comments:Small scottish bloke sounds like a legend to me! Can I have his autograph
October 30, 2001 16:18:11 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:You bunch of monkeys need a good kicking ! Who wants some ?
October 30, 2001 16:11:26 (GMT Time)

Name:Sask Chick
Comments:I hear one of you (the small ugly scottish one) has been going around saying he got some action off me. Far from it . He stalked me all the way home , collapsed in a heap on my doorstep and ended up soiling himself ! Please put your friends straight for me
October 30, 2001 16:10:02 (GMT Time)

Comments:Had a great bash in Winnipeg this weekend. Shame the RAM wasn't there too. Tell malcolm to go and suck somebody's lozenge.
October 29, 2001 23:54:38 (GMT Time)

Name:CMP Officer #7789
Comments:I hope you lads made it home Ok after our little incident south of Meadow Lake. If it wasn't for Mr Siah's quick talking then I would have had to write a ticket. Keep to 100kph.
October 29, 2001 18:16:22 (GMT Time)

Name:Crazy Gals
Comments:We hope that Mr Siah enjoyed himself this weekend.
October 29, 2001 16:55:45 (GMT Time)

Comments:Thanks to the gang for a 'crazy' weekend in Saskatoon. Saskatoon will never be the same again. I hear you can get a loyalty card for crazy girls by the way!
October 29, 2001 16:26:38 (GMT Time)

Comments:Saskatoon again huh? Some Halloween costume ideas you may want to consider: Boy George, Elton John(in the seventies)& George Michael.
October 29, 2001 16:13:22 (GMT Time)

Name:'Skate Canada' Organiser
Comments:Our esteemed Bristish visitors due to visit today may be aware of the 'Skate Canada' tournament taking place in the city. This was organised in anticipation of your arrival to inject some vibrant young female athletes into The Pat. We hope you appreciate this token of our gratitude for your visit.
October 26, 2001 19:06:25 (GMT Time)

Name:homer simpson
Comments:Not much luck at all I hear, especially with the twins who were bought drinks in the Rum Jungle and promised 'all night loving'. Oh well Tim, CAMPAI!! Mmmmm doughnuts...
October 26, 2001 19:02:53 (GMT Time)

Comments:Not much luck in the casino either I hear!
October 26, 2001 18:48:51 (GMT Time)

Name:The Blue Bay
Comments:Are we to expect Tim Siah this weekend? We hear he didn't have much luck with 'Spanish Girl' in Edmonton.
October 26, 2001 18:03:09 (GMT Time)

Name:Saskatoon Police Commissioner
Comments:I hear the valiant Brits are planning a return to Saskatoon this weekend. Are we going to be visited by the Ram? The Fire Commissioner has been on to me and has expressed concern about his fire hydrants - is Boomer coming as well? The streets of Idylwyld Drive are already crowded in anticipation of your arrival. Your humblest servant, Burton Sangalang.
October 26, 2001 15:24:49 (GMT Time)

Name:'S ann a bha thu bàn
Comments:Cadal cha dean mi, Sùgradh cha dean mise; 'Nochd cha'n fhaigh mi tàmh, 'S gun mo ghràdh a tighinn. Cha b'ann dubh no ruadh A bha luaidh mo chridhe, 'S ann a bha thu bàn, Àilleagan nan gillean.
October 25, 2001 04:21:34 (GMT Time)

Name:homer simpson
Comments:Thank God for was getting so dull no-one famous has been on for a couple of weeks. Mmmmmm......doughnuts
October 24, 2001 15:56:09 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:Hey Desperado...we know what you wear & it is of no consequence to us. We just wanted to "get out of Dodge" for the weekend...just so happens that the PPCLI hang out where we party in Edmonton. They are a great group of guys to drink and have fun with. You will all be happy to know we have decided to vacate your guestbook and let you guys get on with it. It has been a slice!
October 23, 2001 21:17:11 (GMT Time)

Comments:Beermonkey - Hope everything goes ok!
October 23, 2001 19:56:16 (GMT Time)

Comments:Munch Bunch - you seem to meet more army blokes than a guest at a regimental dinner. Dont you think you are in the wrong place , in case it elluded you, we wear a different colour uniform than the cabbage patch kids at the garrison. Im sure there are loads of sites out there for you!
October 23, 2001 19:54:39 (GMT Time)

Comments:Beermonkey, let us know on the guestbook how the reaming goes!
October 23, 2001 19:50:26 (GMT Time)

Comments:Oh 666, yes I agree. Munch Bunch-get some AOC time in......
October 23, 2001 19:31:48 (GMT Time)

Comments:Only another 4 & a bit hours to wait for the rooting of my life. Hope you're all having fun today boys. stink.
October 23, 2001 19:30:25 (GMT Time)

Comments:Munch Bunch are boring the hell out of me, anyone agree?!
October 23, 2001 19:13:09 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:What a nice surprise...we knew someone would miss us! Spent the weekend in Edmonton with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry partying at the "G-Spot". You guys should come down some weekend and tie one on with us....the place stays open until dawn! To interested onlooker....come check us out at Moon's Friday night...big Halloween party!
October 23, 2001 17:58:14 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Obviously a tree-hugger......
October 23, 2001 16:32:29 (GMT Time)

Comments:Interested onlooker - you obviousely need to get laid far more than we do! How about we forward the munch bunch onto you and then u can have all the "riveting times" that you want eh.
October 23, 2001 15:38:42 (GMT Time)

Name:Interested Onlooker
Comments:Great job boys! Since you told the munch bunch to bugger off, the guestbook has been absolutely riviting. I cannot tear myself away from it! There is a gaggle of geese, a herd of cows, a murder of crows, a pod of whales and my idiot of pilots! Cheers!
October 23, 2001 13:43:46 (GMT Time)

Comments:Fuck off you munch bunch!!!!!!!!!
October 23, 2001 11:09:02 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:My thanks to the boyz and the Ram for a safe journey to Edmonton for yet another night of severe drunken debauchery!!!! Cheers lads.
October 22, 2001 18:42:51 (GMT Time)

Name:Munch Bunch
Comments:i have been known to level a playing field or two !
October 19, 2001 21:02:06 (GMT Time)

Name:homer simpson
Comments:Munch Bunch....blimey, you lot offend easily. A bit of banter comes your way and you start quoting how many qualifications you've got! Trying to impress us???? Why so much know who we are, why not reveal yourselves and level the playing field? If you are half as good as you make out, what have you got to lose?
October 19, 2001 19:26:46 (GMT Time)

Comments:Jeeeeeeeeez, loads of RAM traffic! I need to keep more current than have been doing! See you all in moons tonite, maybe all will become clear?!
October 19, 2001 18:52:10 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Please, all accept my sincere apologies for my over-use of this guestbook. I will refine my future usage to annoying Malcolm and Ram comments.
October 19, 2001 17:55:25 (GMT Time)

Name:Officer or Gentleman?
Comments:Low life dating agency? Nice.
October 19, 2001 16:56:56 (GMT Time)

Comments:will "the streak" please calm down on here !!!!
October 19, 2001 14:49:44 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:Pardon us. We know there is quite a lot of slang used in different countries. We were uncertain as to what the term refered to.
October 19, 2001 14:33:03 (GMT Time)

Comments:Munch Bunch - how can you claim to be educated and think that porkies are fat women? Porkers are fat women, porkies are lies...
October 19, 2001 10:05:23 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:Speaking for myself once again, I attended university graduating with a Bachelor degree in science (physics), and than attended a post graduate program in aerospace engineering. I will not state my specialty but suffice it to say when I retired early from the military, you boys were probably still in elementary school. We won't waste your time. It has been a laugh.
October 19, 2001 05:59:41 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:Mock...Mock...Mock! Just wanted to have some fun boys! Sorry if a small group of women who are interested in you seem like uneducated rubbish. We will leave you to it in the of luck to you!
October 19, 2001 05:55:00 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:`Allo Malc!!! You want to get involved more here mate, there's loads of birds sharking after chaps so there's plenty to go around......
October 18, 2001 22:39:54 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:It looks like your site has degenerated into some sort of low life dating agency. The Streak is obviously exploiting it; much to your annoyance I suspect!
October 18, 2001 22:34:38 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
October 18, 2001 22:06:44 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:I personally have attended a 3 year Aeronautical Engineering course. How interesting........
October 18, 2001 22:06:21 (GMT Time)

Comments:That was for the streak !
October 18, 2001 22:05:32 (GMT Time)

Comments:make your own guestbook !
October 18, 2001 22:05:00 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:We frequent all the local establishments. In this small community there is little nightlife, to keep life interesting we go everywhere. Variety is the spice of life!
October 18, 2001 21:19:32 (GMT Time)

Name:interested onlooker
Comments:Are you occasionally to be found Moons on a Friday night?
October 18, 2001 20:40:33 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:Just because we like to have fun....however juvenille our antics may be, doesn't mean we are not educated, intelligent women. As just one of the members, I attended university as well as a school of Aerospace engineering and Aeronautics. You may see a group of women and write them off as slags, but looks can be and are deceiving. Streak...we are on!
October 18, 2001 19:28:10 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:No mate, it's them alright, they just got that off the Artillery - oh no, that's right.........
October 18, 2001 17:53:34 (GMT Time)

Comments:I find it difficult to believe that the same 'munch bunch' who write in lipstick on people's cars would use such phrases as 'plethora of deep philosophical banter that is prevelant..' Some bullsh#t going on here I think...
October 18, 2001 16:41:32 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:By the way, you do know that I'm not "Artillery" don't you. Will this make a difference to my chances of "satisfaction"???
October 18, 2001 15:51:23 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Don't know about that. It took five last time.........
October 18, 2001 14:55:04 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:"Absolute Crap"? Difficult to distinguish from the plethora of deep philosophical banter that is prevalent on this page. We won't waste your time with our "crap" in the future. It is unananimous...we would all like to party with The Streak....we think you have what it takes to satisfy!
October 18, 2001 02:13:31 (GMT Time)

Comments:I agree with the operator - stand up and be counted birds!
October 17, 2001 21:55:30 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Nah.....We love you really!!!!!
October 17, 2001 19:53:44 (GMT Time)

Name:Another operator
Comments:How about the Munch Bunch stop filling up the guestbook with absolute crap. Either identify yourselves or sod off!!!
October 17, 2001 19:02:28 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:Our apologies for defacing your ride. We happened to be taking in a movie and couldn't help but notice your van sprawled across the lot. No harm intended just wanted you to know we were thinking of you. Promise we will be good and make it up to you!
October 17, 2001 17:08:04 (GMT Time)

Comments:GWA comes from the Latin phrase; 'Gingoirum Withae Attitudus'
October 17, 2001 15:42:41 (GMT Time)

Name:a ram operator
Comments:dont deface the Ram keep your lipstick for yourself !!!
October 17, 2001 15:22:52 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Without upsetting anyone (and this honestly isn't meant to) but at last count, Gwa's involved battery acid and dog piss........ It's just where I come from, that's all!!!!
October 17, 2001 15:16:37 (GMT Time)

Name:Interested on looker
Comments:Operator: Is a Gwa...."Girls with Attitude?" And what is a "GWAR?"
October 17, 2001 00:38:59 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch "Wanna Be"
Comments:'Ginger all over''d like to know. We cum in many flavors! Only one MUNCH BUNCH and you are not in it! Oh and by the way....this is from one of the members of the 'Munch Bunch'.
October 17, 2001 00:34:31 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:No requirement to know who we are right now. Am I to assume the term "porkies" is a reference to a fat woman? We are all very different in shape and size but I believe none of us falls into that category. Canadian pilots have called us the "Dream Team" so I guess that is a good thing! Many surprises await!
October 17, 2001 00:21:44 (GMT Time)

Comments:1. No it isn't. 2. No gwars on the website.
October 16, 2001 22:24:07 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Oooerrrrr, Gwa's!!!! I like Gwa's. Yum Yum!!!!
October 16, 2001 22:20:25 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:i'm ginger all over !! Is this Mike???
October 16, 2001 22:17:36 (GMT Time)

Comments:Munch Bunch. Question: Does one of you dye your hair ginger? This could solve the puzzle. No porkies please!
October 16, 2001 21:16:15 (GMT Time)

Comments:Operator - Flush them out! We all wait in a flurry of interest.
October 16, 2001 20:33:27 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:We sound interesting because we are interesting...and alot of fun! We are not stalking you. Stalking is such a strong word implying an intent to hurt or harm...something we are not into unless you guys are into that sort of thing! We want nothing more than innocent fun...well maybe not so innocent!
October 16, 2001 18:59:42 (GMT Time)

Name:Cindy Crawford
Comments:Hello boys, glad to see your having so much fun, playing with your toys!! would it be possible for a ride.... in the ram sometime? let me know when one of you sexy operators are free,bye darlings.
October 16, 2001 16:38:42 (GMT Time)

Comments:In that case... BUM LICKA F##K OFF. Munch Bunch, you sound interesting. Should we consider ourselves as being stalked?!!
October 16, 2001 16:15:14 (GMT Time)

Comments:I`d like to munch on that bunch! Who are these ladies of the night?
October 16, 2001 15:01:32 (GMT Time)

Comments:EH? Are all Limey Brits obsessed with each others asses? A lot of entries about homosexuality;) you prefer to play the back 9? Maybe Elton is on to something....;)
October 16, 2001 02:59:09 (GMT Time)

Name:Cold Lake Munch Bunch
Comments:We are responsible for the attention given to the Ram. As to who we are, the British Artillery are very familiar with us. Now they are gone and we have no British boys to play with. That leaves you! We mean no harm...just fun. It is true....Canadian girls DO kick ass! Our identity will remain anonymous for the time being and will be revealed on a need to know basis only! Life is short...enjoy it while you can!
October 16, 2001 02:43:44 (GMT Time)

Comments:CHEEKY BUM LICKA - was it you who put a massive kiss mark on the window, and the 'Canadian girls kick ass' sticker on the door?! We need to know!!
October 15, 2001 21:41:44 (GMT Time)

Comments:population of monkeys in Canadian city zoos to fly what available aircraft we may have. You have to love the air force...the only military element that sends their officers/animals off to war!
October 15, 2001 18:03:08 (GMT Time)

Comments:If you lads are keeping abreast of current events in this wonderful country you have the priviledge of training in(sorry we don't do a good fry up), you may know that Her Excellency, Adrienne Clarkson, the Govenor General, has committed all of Canada's military to the recent up-risings in the Middle East. With a limited Air Force, she asked the Queen if she would let us use you lot to augment our fighter capabilities, but upon studying the situation, she has been forced to recruit the existing p
October 15, 2001 17:42:38 (GMT Time)

Comments:What colour is the sky in your world?
October 15, 2001 14:55:48 (GMT Time)

Comments:So....;)Couldn't help but to notice the brown beast in front of the Hoof & Mouth.....OOPS! I mean Anchor....Enjoy the meat boyz....because thats the last real piece of meat that you will see for a long time....well maybe each others meat;) *Beware the IDES of cow* So where's the no dick boy....oh wait....somebody got ahold of his meat.... Cheers limey teeth boys!!
October 15, 2001 03:21:38 (GMT Time)

Name:Islamic Jihad
Comments:Why not paint a picture of President Bush on the Ram and then burn it whilst firing bullets into the air please? And then prey for peace.
October 13, 2001 14:05:51 (GMT Time)

Comments:thanks Nick ! Dont know what you mean about barebacking tho' !!!!
October 12, 2001 21:10:11 (GMT Time)

Name:Nick Faldo
Comments:I hear some of you guys are playing golf on Saturday? Good luck, the smart money's on the team with the Horse in it...although I never ride bareback.
October 12, 2001 20:11:58 (GMT Time)

Name:Alfie Noakes
Comments:Oh ho. Oh ho. I said muther. Tha Ram is absolutely fantastic, huuge maassive ...........
October 11, 2001 17:26:25 (GMT Time)

Name:Kyle W
Comments:Students ! They complain of no money then they lob Shrapnel at you all night ! Good site boys !! Any plans to take the RAM home to Blighty ?
October 11, 2001 16:22:35 (GMT Time)

Name:Kyle W
Comments:Chesney !! Good to hear from you ! I saw you at the Swansea University Ball. Boy you kept us all waiting till the end for it !! Ya teaser ! Like the new stuff although " Tommorow`s dreams " was a little sombre after " Electric Night " ? Anyway your guitarist ended up coming back to my ex`s house after the gig and ploughed her housemate ! She needs to contact him regards .. . um ....well ....i`ll leave that to her . Sorry bout the "coining" you received on stage . Bloody Students ! Compl
October 11, 2001 16:05:42 (GMT Time)

Name:Chesney Hawkes
Comments:Through a cocaine-and-fanta haze I can recall that back in the early nineties I had a UK Number One Pop Smash with "[I am] The One And Only". After 'Only' a few minutes on your website I realise that that yours is 'The One And Only' Ram! (Am available for discos, after-dinner speaking, facial dermatology advice etc)
October 11, 2001 10:35:25 (GMT Time)

Name:Jamie Oliver
Comments:Pukka website geezers. 'ad a right girrafe at me in the ram. It looks the real macoy, naa what I mean? Jules would luv it in the back with a nice bit of rocket. Sawted.
October 10, 2001 21:30:54 (GMT Time)

Name:"Hoegaarden distillery"
Comments:Thats SPELLING by the way - DOH!
October 9, 2001 22:50:13 (GMT Time)

Name:"Hoegaarden distillery"
Comments:It is with regret we announce the sacking of our PR officer in lieu of such an error grande in the speeling department. It will not be tollerated. I raise my rather large glass to toast the coming Oktoberfest.
October 9, 2001 22:49:35 (GMT Time)

Name:Dougal Duvel
Comments:My sentiments exactly B Chimay. May I recommend Fries and Mayo as a perfect accompliment to any Belgian Beer.
October 9, 2001 21:06:18 (GMT Time)

Name:Brother Chimay
Comments:I work in the Trappist Monk brewery in the Ardenne and would like to commend the Vancouver socialites on their choice of weissbier. However, please be advised the spelling of Hoegaarden is thus!
October 9, 2001 21:02:00 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:Saw the RAM in Calgary . I pissed all over it . I will follow you , hunt you down and continue to urinate over you till you smell like ya mamma !
October 9, 2001 16:43:59 (GMT Time)

Name:Hoegarden distillery
Comments:Due to a massive demand in Vancouver over thanksgiving, we have had to increase production by 200%. Consequently our share price is at a record high! Thanks to our most dedicated purveyors of fine alcohol - they are rumoured to be Brits from a frozen lake in Alberta I think.
October 9, 2001 15:27:57 (GMT Time)

Comments:I knew the Saskatoon trip would "out" somebody. How liberating to admit to your preferences...Saskatoon's nightlife has that affect on British flyboyz, maybe similar to the nightlife in Brixton? Butt is the year 2001 and society is more tolerant. We knew it all along...a nice lot... but extremely effeminate. MU are a bunch of wankers!
October 9, 2001 03:36:22 (GMT Time)

October 9, 2001 03:27:25 (GMT Time)

Name:Mike Wolter
Comments:Hope you boys made it somewhere interesting this weekend.
October 8, 2001 13:21:03 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Sorry Malc, we've had enough fun, don't you think. We'll just have to pick on someone else now. Any Skoda owners out there???
October 5, 2001 20:12:19 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcom Easle
Comments:I'm sorry for all the abuse over the past few weeks, but I've just decided to tell the World that I'm gay so I feel a lot better and more relaxed about myself.
October 4, 2001 22:57:03 (GMT Time)

Comments:saw a dodge ram coming out of sainsbury's yesterday, the ram hits the uk!
October 4, 2001 10:52:28 (GMT Time)

Name:Tim Siah
Comments:I was felching in Edmonton to earn some money for this coming weekend.
October 3, 2001 20:26:12 (GMT Time)

Name:Blue Bay
Comments:What happened to Tim Siah this weekend??
October 2, 2001 22:42:39 (GMT Time)

Name:Pat's (saskatoon )
Comments:many thanks to the Ram operators who made a sensational appearance at our night club this weekend !! Are you all for hire??
October 2, 2001 22:41:42 (GMT Time)

Name:Pat's (saskatoon )
Comments:many thanks to the Ram operators who made a sensational appearance at our night club this weekend !! Are you all for hire??
October 2, 2001 22:41:37 (GMT Time)

Name:Jizums dirty past
Comments:As usual I will surface at the most embarrasing of times! Just wait for the tales of a lurid, dirty past
October 2, 2001 22:03:30 (GMT Time)

Comments:I apologise unreservedly to those that may have taken offense to my brash remarks concerning the "RAM". Ps Peterson is gay
October 2, 2001 20:35:23 (GMT Time)

Comments:RAM sucks the big fat hairy one.
October 2, 2001 19:47:34 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:Who wants some ? All of you , ya bunch of pommy poofs ! You`re all full of shite .
October 1, 2001 22:23:19 (GMT Time)

Name:The Bessborough Towel Cleaner
Comments:I couldn't help notice that Kiki's room was one towel short on Sunday morning, and that there was a strange smell in the room. Can you shed any light?
October 1, 2001 21:21:54 (GMT Time)

Name:Conspiracy theorist
Comments:They are everywhere! Watch yourselves. Trust nobody
October 1, 2001 20:07:46 (GMT Time)

Name:Tim Hamilton
Comments:Nice to see you're working hard out there!! In trying to find this I came across another ram cam website that I think you might find interesting... Try
September 29, 2001 15:49:18 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:No I`m the real malcolm and so is my Wife !
September 28, 2001 22:16:56 (GMT Time)

Comments:Spotted your Ram about town and decided to check out your web page! Well done and a good laugh. A warning about Saskatoon...ALOT of underground gay bars....seems to be a big attraction for Europeans. Have a great trip!
September 28, 2001 20:35:24 (GMT Time)

Comments:No, I am Malcolm Easle!
September 28, 2001 20:20:50 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:Hang on, who has been quoting me? I am the real Malcolm Easle!! Haven't been on here for a week!!
September 28, 2001 20:20:12 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:How pitiful. Grow up all of you
September 28, 2001 19:53:49 (GMT Time)

Comments:Malcolm - Do you know what Nemesis means? You dont have a clue do you? The reason you haven`t appeared lately is because you are a boring, insignificant addition to this guest book that remained funny for a time but has now lost its amusement factor, that is until you are spotted cruising with some alien hybrid women this weekend.
September 28, 2001 19:50:32 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Malcolm, what are you talking about? Retribution???!!
September 28, 2001 18:12:54 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:HA HA !!! Where are your funny comments now ! Tis the sweet smell of retribution !
September 28, 2001 16:51:42 (GMT Time)

Name:RAM Technical Dept , Michigan .
Comments:Need your RAM back . Recently found one with a nut , washer and pin missing in Australia . May be fleet wide . Please e mail us at for nearest RAM dealer . In meantime , keep all journeys and steering wheel movements to a minimum .
September 28, 2001 16:48:55 (GMT Time)

Name:Giorgio Armani
Comments:Truly it is a wonderful decor, deserving of many prizes
September 28, 2001 16:47:10 (GMT Time)

Name:President Bush
Comments:Addressed to Bin Laden. The SAMRAM in its original and II versions are allied tools and are not available to be borrowed by you. Make no mistake Osama, fear the RAM, it will hunt you down boy.
September 27, 2001 21:28:03 (GMT Time)

Name:Saskatoon Police Commissioner
Comments:I have received news of the iminent arrival of the world famous RAM and its illustrious operators this weekend. We extend our heart felt welcome to you all and offer a police escort through our city. It is known that already crowds are gathered on Idlewyld Drive hoping to catch a glimpse of the RAM. Without an escort the city may indeed experience a gridlock situation.
September 27, 2001 16:52:45 (GMT Time)

Name:Clive Thoreson
Comments:Great site guys ! We have regular RAM meetings at Swift Current Community Centre . Any chance you guys could come and give a talk ? I could fit you in straight after the Sweedish Netball Teams talk on Sat night . . . . . . .
September 27, 2001 16:46:03 (GMT Time)

Name:Mayor of Saskatoon
Comments:The city welcomes you this weekend with open arms. If you need any contacts for Roger Mooring then give me a call !!!!
September 27, 2001 16:20:42 (GMT Time)

Name:Saskatoon Sheraton Hotel
Comments:Lads... i hope you enjoy your 2 day leo this weekend. Naturally the rooms at our place are on the house !!
September 27, 2001 16:18:07 (GMT Time)

Comments:Grimmo. Well said. Check out the poppets on the pictures page.
September 27, 2001 15:27:17 (GMT Time)

Name:Abdul Mohammed
Comments:(adopt raghead accent) yes sir, we need to know when the samram arrives in our country, please, very good, I make curry, very nice, nice curry for you sir, very good, yes sir
September 27, 2001 15:26:09 (GMT Time)

Comments:Enjoyed the tracked SAMRAM, but any chance of some naked women? Always the popular choice, and good for the morale of those far away from home. And no mingers either. Cheers.
September 27, 2001 15:13:37 (GMT Time)

Name:Osama bin Laden
Comments:Please - Is the RAM available for hire? I need somewhere to hide for a few days please? Will there be only six driving tonight, Sir?
September 26, 2001 21:48:19 (GMT Time)

Comments:Ginganav - not fake! Just parked up in the car park all day, honest guv. aws572 - comments taken on board, fluffy dice have been ordered!
September 25, 2001 21:43:20 (GMT Time)

Comments:The WebCam is a fake! I watched it for four hours and nothing moved.
September 25, 2001 20:18:18 (GMT Time)

Comments:And I thought the interent was just a cheap method of getting some good old fashioned porn. Little did I know that it was a vehicle to cement bonds between the van drivers of N.America and the rest of the world!
September 25, 2001 19:57:29 (GMT Time)

Comments:My heartfelt apologies for neglecting to comment on what is perhaps the "beige-est" Ram in existence. Mood lighting, shag carpet, and fuzzy dice would be a fabulous and certainly tasteful addition to an already exceptional vehicle. As for the De Candole appreciation isn't. It is an attempt to pass along information I thought he should know...... Technically speaking, since Daimler and Chrysler merged, does that make your Ram a Mercedes? Cheers!
September 25, 2001 16:47:00 (GMT Time)

Name:Guardian of the Moose
Comments:Nice work chaps. I didn't notice the glittering disco ball in the RAM's interior specifications. Maybe you could get one at
September 24, 2001 22:25:18 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hello boys. It's raining here. Nice. Quick favour - can someone return the cammo net in the back of Mobina to the Army stores just across the way? That would be nice. Hope everything goes well...
September 24, 2001 21:29:31 (GMT Time)

Name:Bahundra Mattern
Comments:Wow! That's a van...I love the colour! Tasty! Funny website too. Saw it in Cold Lake Marina on Sunday - best 'RAM' in the city!!
September 24, 2001 18:01:35 (GMT Time)

Comments:Oyy!! This isn't some De Candole appreciation society!! At least mention the Ram in your comment.....please...!!
September 24, 2001 17:59:43 (GMT Time)

Name:message for Nick de Candole
Comments:please email
September 22, 2001 06:21:51 (GMT Time)

Name:Message for Nick de Candole
Comments:Please email
September 22, 2001 06:07:38 (GMT Time)

Name:A Ram Operator
Comments:The Ram chair lifter enables grandad to get out and about without injury. Thanks for caring about the old codger....
September 21, 2001 21:14:39 (GMT Time)

Name:from london
Comments:does "grandad" struggle to get in and out with his walking stick?
September 21, 2001 21:01:38 (GMT Time)

Comments:Was that horse's bird who left the untiltled message ref: RAM shagging a few entries beneath?
September 21, 2001 18:18:28 (GMT Time)

Name:Cambridge Education
Comments:Why am I unsurprised that it was De Candole who spotted the spelling mistake?! Go back to Phantom shitting in Lincolnshire!
September 21, 2001 18:16:34 (GMT Time)

Name:Nick de Candole
Comments:Just one more point: the garage where the Ram was repaired is a Canadian establishment and, therefore, should be called "Canadian Tire" even though the spelling of tyre is terribly wrong.
September 21, 2001 17:58:51 (GMT Time)

Name:Nick de Candole
Comments:Hi Janner! I bet those homos have ploughed each other in it...
September 21, 2001 17:56:45 (GMT Time)

Name:Roy Castle
Comments:It's gotta be a record breaker! Many congratulations on reaching an unbelievable 1000 hits. Keep up the good work boys. Geoff and Malc...get a life!
September 20, 2001 21:14:39 (GMT Time)

Comments:Reply 2 Janner, the answer 2 your question, yes someone has!
September 20, 2001 14:12:04 (GMT Time)

September 20, 2001 13:14:31 (GMT Time)

September 20, 2001 13:14:03 (GMT Time)

Comments:oops! forgot to write something! Website looks really good, like the photos in the ram!
September 20, 2001 13:07:23 (GMT Time)

September 20, 2001 13:04:43 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Mr Masters. It's obvious that yourself and Mr Easle have suffered the worst emergency of all time - Sense of Humour Failure!!! This site is just meant to be a laugh - if you lot can't take it as such then knob off and don't come back (all meant in the nicest possible way).
September 19, 2001 21:33:34 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Allow myself to congratulate....... myself!!!! 1000 hits. Magical lads!!!
September 19, 2001 21:31:07 (GMT Time)

Name:Geoffrey Masters
Comments:Saw your van outside a hotel in downtown Edmonton last weekend. Glad I didn't rush to look at this site because it sucks big time. Losers.
September 19, 2001 20:55:00 (GMT Time)

Name:The Stickdog
Comments:I think you are all a horrific disgrace to your Queen and country....I weep for the third world nation from which you hail. Whoever is this "Helicopter Boy"? And what kind of death defying stunts will he do next?!!
September 19, 2001 18:41:48 (GMT Time)

Name:Tod Hoop- President of the Ram Association
Comments:Having problems with ur Ram?...well here's what u do in future! a. Aviate - ZOOM - to 190km/h or 5.5 AOA – simultaneously carry out the immediate red page response (ie Fuel Leakage) b. Navigate - TURN towards the nearest workshop. Determine if a forced parking is possible c. Communicate - TRANSMIT a MAYDAY and advise the Ram Association of your position, altitude, nature of the emergency and your intentions; ...then leave the rest to us!
September 18, 2001 21:57:42 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:May I be the first to congratulate this most fantastic and well-constructed web-site on reaching 800 hits. Marvellous guys, the "thousand" is just around the corner. Janner - wotcha mate!!!!
September 17, 2001 22:43:59 (GMT Time)

Comments:Sorry about naive opening question, wrote it before looking at rest of website. Therefore did not appreciate legendary status. Has CLEARLY seen active service many times. Sorry again.
September 17, 2001 20:06:10 (GMT Time)

Comments:Anyone ploughed in it yet?
September 17, 2001 19:48:40 (GMT Time)

Name:Sir Peter Squire
Comments:What's wrong with being a layabout? It places you in a higher socio-economic group than a Canadian. Keep up the good work boys...
September 17, 2001 18:09:52 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:God grief. What a pleasure spending a weekend touring around Edmonton in The Ram again. Having spotted Malcolm (or a Malcolm sypathiser) walking across the street giving The Ram "The Bird", it just reminds me of how jealous other people can get when they only get a taste of the good life!!!! Bonza weekend.
September 17, 2001 16:45:29 (GMT Time)

Comments:Malcolm, wot - no mention of lawyers this time!! Provide us with a photo and we'll put you at the wheel of the RAM...go on, you know you want to!
September 17, 2001 15:49:24 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Hurrah!!! Someone else joins in the furious battle against up-tight squares like Malcy E. Long may the struggle for freedom of speech and the will to distribute Malcolm Merchandise continue!!! New phrase for the Malcolm Merchandise - Just Poo It.....
September 14, 2001 22:29:43 (GMT Time)

Name:Layabout 1
Comments:Oh how naieve can one man be. "out of work layabouts with no future" hmmmmm. A new one to consider gents, it is true that we live for moments of pure terror, punctuated by hours of boredom, but layabouts with no future. Perhaps you have just looked in the mirror malcolm. The only true comment you have made is that you have indeed provided much amusement for the boys with your munter antics. Long may this continue!
September 14, 2001 21:47:13 (GMT Time)

Name:Dean "Superman" Cain
Comments:That Malcolm fella doesn't know what on Earth he's on about.... Would you chaps like to come on my "Ripleys Believe It or Not!" show. Because Frankly, I don't believe it - finally, the Internet put to some good use. Keep up the good work lads. See you soon.
September 14, 2001 21:47:12 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:We'd have picked on some other poor innocent bastard that chanced across this web-site. With a ying and a yang and a ziggedy-boo. Toodle-pip!!!
September 14, 2001 21:45:08 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:It is obvious from the content of this website that you are unable to provide any service of any use whatsoever. Clearly out of work layabouts with no future. What would the site contain if it were not for my unfortunate visit?
September 14, 2001 21:40:21 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:What, you mean I can say that Malcolm, the Social Hand-grenade, Jodrels to rude films on an evening `cos he can't get a bird that isn't fat and that `cos you've got that legal disclaimer on I can get away with it???
September 14, 2001 19:16:28 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hmmmm bringing ze Ram operators to justice for zer crimes...first you would need evidence Malc. I see none here...
September 14, 2001 15:32:07 (GMT Time)

Name:Norris McWhirter
Comments:My congratulations also - 687 hits in a week; that has to be a record. Roy must have entered the guest book telepathically!
September 13, 2001 21:34:14 (GMT Time)

Name:Roy Castle
Comments:Congratulations on the websites 600th hit - one for the record books I'm sure!
September 13, 2001 20:37:55 (GMT Time)

Comments:Did someone say Columbo? I don't think I've got any disciples....although I do worship The Ram
September 13, 2001 17:23:20 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Just found this chaps, may be of some interest:- The name Malcolm derives from the gaelic “Maol”, meaning “shaven-head”, and was used generally as a term for a monk. Thus “Maol Chalum” can be translated as “monk” or “disciple of Columba”.
September 13, 2001 16:36:13 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Ah, the Earl of Shat, how are you these days?!?! I agree with your female entry criteria wholeheartedly!!! Perhaps also 9. I know you're blonde, but I still want Rolf to eat a banana. Should also be part of the criteria???
September 13, 2001 16:29:29 (GMT Time)

Name:Magnum P.I.
Comments:Im watching you Malcolm. No one can escape the munter hunter.
September 12, 2001 18:58:52 (GMT Time)

Comments:Thanks Malcolm, that will be all. Oh, just one more thing, who was that munter with you in Edmonton? Libelous...I think not.
September 12, 2001 16:46:44 (GMT Time)

Name:Mouse Jew
Comments:Ahhh Malcolm !!! IS IT MALC !!!! It all went wrong with the naming of the child . . . . . . . . . Good day malcolm.
September 12, 2001 16:32:54 (GMT Time)

Comments:Hello Malcolm, how are you? Wife an kids alright? Ok, see you, bye .......
September 10, 2001 22:58:03 (GMT Time)

Name:sven of wiltshire
Comments:can i use a RAM to assist me in the creation of crop circles ? do you know mikey ? Om
September 10, 2001 20:20:12 (GMT Time)

Name:The Earl Of Shat
Comments:I developed the following femail RAM admission criteria 1. I'll swallow it all............I love the taste. 2. Are you sure you've had enough to drink. 3. I'm bored. Let's shave my fanny 4. Oh come on, what do ya say we get a porn film, a crate of beer, and have my friend over for a threesome 5. God, if I don't get to blow you soon, I'll kill myself. 6. I know it's a lot tighter back there but would you please try again? 7. You're so sexy when you're hung over 8. I'd rather watch you
September 10, 2001 17:46:25 (GMT Time)

September 10, 2001 17:40:45 (GMT Time)

Comments:Good to see the finest traditions of banter are being upheld on this site, just such a pity that some people seem unable to take it back....Keep up the good work!!P.S. do you have a power steering pump for a love bus handy?...
September 10, 2001 15:00:54 (GMT Time)

Name:Rumpole of the Bailey
Comments:Malcolm, your comments do suggest that you are in fact, a chiseler. Nothing libelous here old bean, just retaliation!
September 10, 2001 14:34:46 (GMT Time)

Comments:Malcolm I'm watching you! Next time you visit me in beer land, I'll make sure she's even bigger-although by your previous record I'm going to have a hard job finding anyone who is fat, sweaty and downright minging enough to satisfy your thirst for fat snatch.
September 10, 2001 14:33:03 (GMT Time)

Name:Inspector Morse
September 10, 2001 14:09:58 (GMT Time)

Comments:hello boys, how goes it\/ nice to see you have reached tragic vehicle status. the aussies are doing it over here too. hope all is well. see you soon
September 8, 2001 12:12:13 (GMT Time)

Name:Perry Mason
Comments:Also, Malcolm, your "laywers" would probably prefer to handle a LIBEL case. Libel: published false statement damaging to a person's reputation. That means that you have to prove to a jury that the bird you were with was not a fat sweaty wench. Good luck (I saw her, too).
September 8, 2001 11:23:30 (GMT Time)

Name:Kim Hill
Comments:I've only had sex in an Econoline. It had a Union Jack on the bonnet...
September 8, 2001 11:16:43 (GMT Time)

Comments:Malcolm - what the hell are laywers? Are they a Canadian version of lawyers? Or are you illiterate? Either way I don't think that the boys are scared of laywers and you do not appear clever enough to organise any lawyers...
September 8, 2001 11:11:33 (GMT Time)

Comments:Surely Malcolm the spelling is 'libia'?
September 8, 2001 10:14:43 (GMT Time)

Comments:Always knew the GTVs, Z3s, Spyders, MR2s were a cover up; glad to see you've finally all found the 'Real Thing'. Don't get too used to the easy life, still old tech here. And finally, just who is this malcolm cheasler bloke?
September 8, 2001 10:10:56 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle
Comments:It seems that my comments about your website have caused offence. 20m will be hearing from my laywers about about the lible comments on this site.
September 7, 2001 22:29:24 (GMT Time)

Name:someone will know!!
Comments:Im glad 2 say Im one of the lucky ones 2 have enjoyed the adventures of the RAM!Will not go in 2 detail!!!!!
September 7, 2001 00:59:09 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Only a stinking, filthy commoner who can't even be arsed to train in his own country would be-friend idiots like that. Come on chisel-boy, the gaff is blown!!!!!
September 6, 2001 20:09:34 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm's Friend
Comments:Why should I identify myself to "The Streak?" And why this dislike of Malcolm?
September 6, 2001 19:08:42 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:Malcolm's Friend, you sound like a lady... If indeed you truly are a friend of Malcolm's (and a lady) then step forwards and identify yourself!!! No nastiness intended, just fun and an eye for an eye!!!!!
September 6, 2001 18:18:56 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm's Friend
Comments:You are not being very nice to Malcolm, he really is a lovely man and shouldn't be victimised like this!
September 6, 2001 17:59:09 (GMT Time)

Name:Peter North
Comments:Hmmmm I have an idea for this van. I'll get Rocco on the case and we'll organise some willing Thai girls for a movie called Ram my A***
September 6, 2001 17:55:15 (GMT Time)

Name:The Streak
Comments:I also saw Malcolm in Edmonton and judging by the fact he was "cruising" in a large Pink Cadillac with a Jimmy Somerville look-alike in the passenger seat, he's in no position to comment. Word up Malcolm, it's just a laugh!! (That's where the corners of your mouth crease up and you make a "chuckling" sound)!!! See how many others are chuckling.....????
September 6, 2001 17:41:20 (GMT Time)

Name:Dave 'Gingernav' Lawrenson
Comments:Nice, last saw this on A-Team right? Not a patch on the 'Ute' Tilesy an I bet no one waves back at you!
September 5, 2001 22:16:42 (GMT Time)

September 5, 2001 20:36:45 (GMT Time)

Name:Horse's Response to Malcolm Easle
Comments:Malcolm... whilst cruising edmonton in the ram i too noticed you. You looked to be on the back of a leo judging by the sweaty fat wench you were displaying. Get a bird !!!
September 5, 2001 19:33:29 (GMT Time)

September 5, 2001 19:29:07 (GMT Time)

Name:Greg Perilleux
Comments:we really do need see deuce bigalo in action in that kind of van! Hope you are all well, and don't believe rumours!
September 5, 2001 19:23:10 (GMT Time)

Comments:A truly magnificent web site - worthy of the superior quality that the RAM exumes whilst touring the wastes of Canada. Bring it on in a race with the Mamba!! If the Mamba works
September 5, 2001 17:38:33 (GMT Time)

Name:Si Whitehouse
Comments:I'm gonna trade the Cavalier in for 1. Missin you boys si x
September 5, 2001 09:31:16 (GMT Time)

Comments:Nice motor, giv ya £2 quid and a packet of pork scratchers for it. ohh and I insist it is de-pubed before I take possesion. Does B A come with it as a done deal??
September 4, 2001 20:10:13 (GMT Time)

Comments:Shame about the colour, but not bad laying space, for taking a nap of course!
September 4, 2001 17:43:54 (GMT Time)

Name:Malcolm Easle, W Edmonton AB
Comments:Saw your van around Edmonton and thought I'd visit your site. I am not really sure what you are trying to say, but it's a load of shit. Get a life.
September 3, 2001 21:06:21 (GMT Time)

Name:Lisle Bartlett
Comments:So which one of you gives Mr T the injection to knock him out before you fly off to save the world & build your own tank whilst locked in a shed somewhere? (or is that a "Dodgy" comment!)
September 3, 2001 19:32:13 (GMT Time)

Name:NOT Al Johnston from England
Comments:Mike Sutton has grossly misrepresented the quality and content of this website. Very poor. See me afterwards
September 1, 2001 18:32:48 (GMT Time)

Name:Sir Michael Bishop
Comments:Brown and sexy, like a tiny little pair of bollocks on a 14yr old spanish rent boy. Mmmm...
September 1, 2001 18:30:02 (GMT Time)

Name:Lord Gareth 12th Earl of Lager
Comments:Aaah...a delight to see such a vintage horseless carriage given the love and attention that my parents elected to deny me whilst I received my instruction at Weston-super-Mare college for Boys Many a fine specimen has been allowed to rust, with no thought for the stalwart role she played during many US-made Saturday tea-time television programmes spanning the 1980s I myself have spilt my seed twixt the thighs of many a buxom local professional, allowing it to soil the aft seatage whilst th
September 1, 2001 18:24:09 (GMT Time)

Comments:Holy shit mate, that's a god-damn beaut. I would love to feature that monster in my next tight-arsed shorts pop video. It gets m juices flowing... know what I mean Bruce!
September 1, 2001 09:29:30 (GMT Time)

Name:Daz Rogers
Comments:Ben & I were feeling really down after getting pissed in York then heading off for a massive stag-do in London. The Ram website was just the pick me up we both needed. Art!
September 1, 2001 09:26:32 (GMT Time)

Name:Ben Sargent
Comments:Get out of the fucking cab.....
September 1, 2001 09:20:29 (GMT Time)

Comments:What a sexy beast, I'd love to get laid in it.
August 31, 2001 20:40:21 (GMT Time)

Name:A Ram Dealership
Comments:keep up the good work guys!!!
August 31, 2001 20:36:49 (GMT Time)

Name:Jim Metcalfe
Comments:Wonderful, simply a wonderful site, full of accurate and brilliant information.There should be more like this
August 31, 2001 20:26:30 (GMT Time)

Comments:yo yo....what's up man! wanna ram my A?
August 31, 2001 20:09:08 (GMT Time)

Name:Bill Gates
Comments:Ram Cam what a brilliant idea why didn't I think of that?
August 31, 2001 19:16:52 (GMT Time)

Name:Mike Sutton
Comments:Legendary. I know this because I made it.
August 31, 2001 19:00:59 (GMT Time)

Name:Kiki Ward
August 31, 2001 17:28:43 (GMT Time)

Name:Monsieur Watts
Comments:A well-heeled group, who appear to have taken advantage of their lack of work to see the sights and travel the world. Well done chaps!!!!!
August 31, 2001 14:57:49 (GMT Time)

Name:Ram Cam Lover
August 31, 2001 14:36:17 (GMT Time)

Comments:You guys are losers. Buy an Econoline - you know it makes sense...
August 31, 2001 14:24:58 (GMT Time)

Name:matt peterson
Comments:This is the best site on the internet for those who feel, enjoy and love the power of the RAM!
August 30, 2001 21:27:12 (GMT Time)